“Jesus Night,” hosted at Linganore High School (LHS) on December 15, was an event held for Christian students at the school to come together to feel closer to and worship God.
At the beginning of the night, numerous worship songs were played. For those that attended, the night was full of tears and the hope these students believe the Lord brings.
During this time of prayer and worship, students claimed that they could feel God working through everyone that night.
“I felt like the Holy Spirit was definitely present,” said Jennifer Purgason, a math teacher at LHS and advisor for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club. “So, to see that for the kids and to be able to provide that opportunity, I just thought it was really cool.”
The evening also featured a sermon by Elijah Costigan, a student at Linganore. Costigan gave his testimony, shared the word of God and the work he has done with the guidance of the Bible. During this section of the night, stories from the beginning of Genesis, all the way to later parts of the New Testament were shared.
According to Costigan, the sermon he gave came to him from continuous praying with God and reading the Bible
“As a speaker, as a pastor … it is not about you,” Costigan said. “It is not your words, not your might, it is not your strength. Jesus is giving you the honor of standing next to him on a platform while he speaks his word to his people.”
People who participated in Jesus Night believed that the sermon was very ardent, and they enjoyed seeing other students who were excited about God.
“It was really cool to see a student who’s so passionate and bold about his faith that he would feel comfortable posting something like that,” Purgason said.
The night brought many people together, with more than 70 students participating, not including another 20 students from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club who organized the event and handed out food.
The night allowed for people to be engrossed in God, share their religious beliefs with others and bring students peace during what can be one of the more difficult times of the year.