Harry Potter Alliance charms charities with books from winter drive
Allie and Zach Hudson load books to be transported to Comfort Cases.
March 15, 2018
The Harry Potter Alliance recently held its third annual book drive, which ran from early November until January 31. At their February meeting, members counted and sorted books, with a total of over 200 books across three categories: children, teen, and adult.
The Alliance’s next task was to decide where the books would be sent. They discussed orphanages, detention centers, homeless shelters, and many other options, but in the end, they decided to donate the children and teen books to Comfort Cases, and the adult books to Lorien, Mt. Airy.
Comfort Cases is a charity that provides necessities and amenities for minors transitioning into foster care. They collect anything from toiletries to pajamas as well as things like journals, stuffed animals, and especially books. These are all packed into backpacks and duffel bags and given to children and teens for comfort during their transition, hence the charity’s name.
Lorien is a system of assisted living centers across Maryland. The nearest facility is located in Mt. Airy. Lorien gives emotional and physical support as well as nursing services to its residents, most of whom are age 40 or over.
The members of the HPA unanimously agreed that the books should be given directly to people who may not have consistent access to books, but who could greatly benefit from them.
“Books can be used to escape, to educate, and to empathize,” said Marsha Thompson, media specialist and the advisor of the HPA. “They open up a whole new world of experiences and opportunities to people.”
For foster children and residents of assisted living facilities, these qualities in books provide essential relief in difficult situations.
“The book drive is a simple, easy thing that everyone can do and it still offers many people pleasure. Sharing my passion for reading and offering accessibility to books, especially to those in need, is very rewarding,” said Class of 2018 member Savannah Sitler, one of the leaders of the HPA.
The books will be donated in April. If you would like to support the HPA, consider donating to the international organization in its charity or work or participating in one of the upcoming meetings. Also, Comfort Cases and Lorien are always looking for volunteers to help with their work.