Lancer Spotlight 4/11/22: Egg My House! Class of 2023 raises money for prom and Safe and Sane
Seniors Olivia Fullarton and Grace Doy fill eggs in the library.
April 26, 2022
On April 4 student volunteers played Easter Bunny “elves” and came together to fill eggs for the first annual “Egg my house event.” These colorful candy-filled eggs were hidden around people’s houses by “Easter Bunny helpers” just days prior to the holiday. Interested parents pre-ordered the egg packages for their houses to be egged on April 14.
“The event was a huge success. We had so many volunteers and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We filled a ton of eggs and met our goal of filling 5,000 eggs much quicker than expected,” said junior Madylen Beckman.

The event was created to raise money for the Junior-Senior Prom and Safe and Sane. The egg event required about $1,000 dollars, but brings in about $6,000 in revenue.
The Junior Class advisors and officers worked with the Safe and Sane committee to create a successful egg filling. They started with advertising the event to the community and having people purchase dozens of eggs for Easter. After the egg buying window closed, the volunteers began to purchase the plastic eggs and mountains of candy.
Volunteers gathered in the library to fill and sort the eggs into dozens based on the amount people ordered. The amount ranged from one to twelve dozen eggs that people ordered to hide around their front yards.
“Once the eggs were filled, we sorted them into various orders. If someone ordered two dozen eggs we would fill a grocery bag with two dozen. Then we would take that two dozen and sort it into a route so that volunteers hiding the eggs could drive to houses quickly without using a lot of gas,” said Maria Thompson, member of the Safe and Sane committee.
On April 14, volunteer families came to hide the eggs at people’s houses. They began with picking up the bags of eggs and then driving to different houses to hide them. The event was a huge success and gave many kids a happy Easter. The class council and Safe and Sane committee plan to continue this event for the future.