National English Honor Society inducts officers, members: Photo of the Day 10/29/19
The NEHS gathers to have their picture taken after the ceremony.
October 29, 2019
The Linganore chapter of the National English Honor Society (NEHS) inducted 42 members on October 28 in an evening ceremony.
Seven officers were elected in May, but they were formally installed during the ceremony.
- Braden Weinel as President
- Matthew Strahlman as Vice President of Education
- Yesenia Montenegro as Vice President of Membership
- Emily Webb as Vice President of Public Relations
- Alexis Fowler as Secretary
- Ethan Hart as Treasurer
- Elizabeth Anderson as Historian
Throughout the induction, led by Mrs. Rebetsky (the NEHS adviser) and the newly inducted officers, the new members recited “As a member of the National English Honor Society, I shall endeavor to advance the study of all areas of English and to foster a spirit of fellowship in all facets of the English Language Arts,” and ended the recitation echoing the NEHS guiding principle: “Duty goes with honor.”
After the ceremony, the members had their yearbook picture taken and then ate refreshments provided by the current members of the honor society.
“It was awesome! We had so much fun, eating and talking with each other,” said Garrett Safsten, a senior member of the NEHS.
Throughout the ceremony the new officers talked about their plans and initiatives for the school year. November 11 through November 15 is going to be “Writer’s Week,” run by the historian, Elizabeth Anderson. “Writer’s Week” is open to any student. There are activities during PREP and after school each day.. Another event, hosted by both the NEHS and Mu Alpha Theta, is Game Night on November 12. People from the two honor societies will meet and bond over snacks and games.
Another upcoming NEHS activity planned is the Frederick County version of the NEHS National Common Reader Scholarship. Participants will read the book A Place for Us by Fatima Mirza, and then will write an essay answering one of the prompts provided by the board in charge of the National Common Reader. For these scholarships, the NEHS has organized two workshops/book talks at the Curious Iguana Book Store in Downtown Frederick. These events will be held on January 6 and January 8 from 6:30 to 7:30.