Marines showcase at the Frederick Fair: Photo of the Day 9/22/15
Staff Sergeant Moseley stands atop the LAV-25.
September 22, 2015
The Great Frederick Fair is in full swing, and the U.S. Marines of Frederick County have been showcasing their equipment, allowing children to climb up and take a look around inside.
The vehicle shown is the LAV-25, a light-armored vehicle used by both the U.S. Marines and the Canadian Army.
The LAV is used mainly for armored recon, namely for intelligence gathering while on the battlefield. The vehicle itself is amphibious, meaning if you drive it into the water, it’ll stay afloat and still move forward, albeit much slower than on land.
Major Ray, the highest ranking officer at the demonstration, said, “One of the jobs for us is community relations while not on active duty.” The Marines make appearances to stay active in the community and make themselves known. Ray added, jokingly “We get asked all the time ‘Are you Army? Military?'”
Children are allowed to enter the vehicle from the top, where another Marine lowers them down into the vehicle. They get to check out all the cool equipment inside and gives them a look at what the Marines get to work with. “You never know. In ten years, they might be joining up,” said Ray.
The Fair is still in full swing, so make sure you stop by and take in all the sights and smells of The Great Frederick Fair.