Playing games encouraged on club day: Photo of the Day 9/16/2015
Left to right: Devin Kohn, Thad Engle, and Matt and Sam Honchalk play Risk in board games club.
September 16, 2015
Wednesday was the first day for clubs which allowed many students to explore extracurricular activities beyond the traditional sports and academics.
“These clubs have provided me with a new way to bond with my classmates as a well as discover new interests of mine,” said Matt Honchalk.
Every year several new clubs crop up, and this year, the emphasis is on imagination and role playing. Mr. Chris Hahn is sponsoring a Lord of the Rings Club, and Mr. Christian Madenspacher is leading a “Magic: The Gathering” Club.
Some students mistook the “Magic Club” title as an opportunity to learn magicians’ secrets but signed up anyway.
Students went to a variety of clubs, taking 45 minutes out of classes to relax and enjoy other parts of life from board games to pom and dance.
For the rest of the school year clubs will be meeting on the first Monday of every month to provide a monthly relief from academics for students.

Alex Pare and Matthew Titus enjoy a game of Magic during the September club day.