#LanceroftheWeek: Joshua Todd takes the stage
Courtesy of Mike Miller Photography
Josh Todd as, “Reverend Moore” in, “Footloose.”
July 30, 2018
Throughout his first year of high school, Joshua Todd has been actively involved in the GSA and received an Honor Roll award. His most significant impact, however, has been his active role in the drama department as a lead in two productions and, now, induction into the International Thespian Society.
The drama department staged two productions. In both, Todd was cast as a starring role. In the fall, Todd was cast as the father of Jonas in The Giver. The personality of the father is nowhere close to Todd’s spunky, outgoing personality. He had to truly embrace his acting skills in order to accomplish what he wanted to in staging this role.
“He has a fantastic voice,” said Mr. Dye, music director of Footloose, “he not only projects sound, he projects feeling. I really loved his performance, especially in his interactions with his wife Vi [Eilis McCormack].”
In the spring, Todd was cast as Reverend Moore in Footloose, a role that once again, was the polar opposite of his personality.
Mrs. Angela Smithhisler, the director of both productions and the head of the drama department, said, “I think Josh’s biggest accomplishment this year was taking the Reverend Moore role and blowing it out of the water. It was a very big role and had a lot of lines and songs, but most people came up to me after the show and said it was perfectly cast, and he did such a great job, so he should be very proud.”
Being cast as a lead role can be difficult to accomplish as a freshman.
“I think Josh has the natural charisma to him that was very evident in both of his auditions. I saw him as a mature enough student that he could pull off the ‘Dad’ role, and he did a really great job,” said Smithhisler.
Not only was Todd cast as two lead roles this year, he also received the ninth grade award for theater at the awards ceremony on May 30th. Additionally, Todd is one of two freshman who were inducted into the International Thespian Society, or ITS, which is an enormous achievement for a freshman, considering you are required to have ten, “points” in order to be inducted, based on theater related accomplishments and activities. Mackenzie Berry, also appears in community theater, was the second freshman.
Certain activities are worth more points than others. For example, being cast as a lead earns more points than being cast in the ensemble, and students can also earn points for being in small community performances, or helping with tech related endeavors. The induction took place on June 8th at the annual LHS drama banquet.
“Being inducted into the International Thespian Society is the most memorable moment for me this year,” said Todd. “It’s a big deal, and I didn’t think I was going to be able to get into it, but apparently I had enough points, which is very exciting!”
Todd said, “Someday I would love to play the mother [Edna] in Hairspray because that character just screams everything about me and it’s so fun, I could be all spontaneous. It’s everything I hope to be.”
“I would like to see Josh as the villain.” said Smithhisler. “You don’t ever really see a dark side to him, and I think that would be an interesting challenge.”
Next year Linganore will be staging Almost, Maine and Beauty and the Beast. If you would like to be involved, contact Mrs. Smithhisler, and keep yourself updated through the Drama website and Twitter.