21 tips for the Class of 2021


graphic by Hannah Haught

A student “climbs” through their four years of high school.

by Renata Farrell, Reporter

The Class of 2021 just started their high school journey a short five weeks ago, but, before they know it, in less than three short years, they will be seniors frantically filling out and turning in college applications. Here are some tips for the class of 2021:

  1. Get involved! Join clubs and other groups that interest you. Being in more clubs will show students what they are interested in. It will also help with time management because students will have to learn how to balance clubs and homework. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  2. Come to school and do not skip class. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  3. Use prep! It is a great time to get work done and ask questions. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  4. Check your grades two times a week. Do not obsess over your grades. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  5. Do your homework, even if the teacher says it is not mandatory, it will help. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  6. Self advocate. Ask questions, if you need something, just ask. Self advocacy is a life skill. It is better to learn how to ask questions now in high school rather than at your first job. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  7. Even as a freshman, you can start to go on college tours. If you are going to visit a family member and there is a college around, visit it. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  8. The more colleges you see and learn about the more you will know. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  9. Consider visiting schools more than once, even if you do not think you want to go there. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  10. Challenge yourself, take harder classes. You will surprise yourself. When students challenge themselves, they will excel. They may not think that they can do something but they can. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  11. Be open to new experiences and people. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  12. Take classes that interest you, if you know what you want to be, take classes that will help you in your career path.  (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  13. Classes are free, try new things! (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  14. Be open to who people are, become friends with people who aren’t exactly like you. School is very busy but you need time for your friends too. Make sure you have a balanced lifestyle, it is proven that being with friends makes people happier. (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  15. If in doubt, follow J.M. Barrie’s, author of Peter Pan, advice, “Always be a little kinder than necessary.” (Mrs. Ilana Blum, Student Services)
  16. There is not as much time to do things so time management is key. (Lexi Cioffi, member of the Class of 2021)
  17. AP classes have a lot of homework but are beneficial, just be ready. AP classes are not for everyone, they are fast paced and a lot of work. Some students greatly benefit from AP classes, try it out and see if it is for you. (Katie Brengel, member of the Class of 2020)
  18. Make friends in all grades. (Katie Brengel, member of the Class of 2020)
  19. Take gym freshman year. (Ben Rose, member of the Class of 2019)
  20. Go on Naviance, it will help with college and beyond. Naviance is a website that can help you choose colleges and classes that are for you. (Sarah Hall, member of the Class of 2018)
  21. When it comes to applying to college, get your applications started in the summer. (Sarah Hall, member of the Class of 2018)