Senior Countdown 2019: Future Farmers of America are kickin’ it for 14 days left
Michael Selzer, Nicole Muller, Makayla Glock, and Ryan Mondonedo are pumped for 14 days left.
May 2, 2019
There are 14 days left for seniors and the FFA members are making it the best 14 days while they last.
The Class of 2019 FFA members include: Nicole Muller, Ryan Mondonedo, Makayla Glock, Michael Selser, Jackie Hinkson, and Karly Fink. They are all 4-year members of FFA.
Nicole Muller will be attending Virginia Tech and is majoring in art. Being in FFA, she is into agriculture so she wants to bring her horse, Tango with her.
“I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to live in a dorm and how I can bring my horse to college,” Muller said.
She is interested in the creative technology degree, a new course where she will learn 3D animation and virtual reality.
Muller has gone to the FFA Nationals twice. She ranked silver in Veterinary Science and 20th place gold in Agricultural Sales.
Ryan Mondonedo plans to continue to state FFA after he graduates. He has been working hard to keep his grades up while also taking time to relax before graduation.
Mondonedo has gotten to speak at the House of Delegates and he has gone to Nationals.
“When I first started high school I was very shy but after I joined FFA, I got to do a lot of public speaking and I’ve been able to meet so many new people.”
Mondonedo said, “It’s been a wonderful experience.”
Michael Selzer plans to work full time on a vegetable farm because of his love of horticulture. Selzer has received fundraising awards from being one of the top salesmen the past four years. He feels that the FFA group has been the best part of his high school experience.
Makayla Glock will be majoring in business. Glock said she is ready to be independent, but it is a scary transition. She is not stressing and has been preparing for graduation by getting all her class work done.
“I need to learn how to do stuff by myself and learn by myself.” Glock said.
Glock loved going to the FFA convention and competing in the competitions. She cannot wait to experience college and make some good memories.
During the first week of April, Linganore FFA had three teams compete in States. Vet Science placed 3rd out of 19 teams, Horticulture placed 3rd out of 15 teams, and Food Science placed 1st in the state.
All three had good advice about high school.
“Don’t panic, it’s not as bad as you think,” Muller said.
“Take classes that you’re going to need for college instead of taking easy classes,” said by Glock.
“Do your best and take all the classes for your career that you can” said Selzer.
“Just try. You probably won’t want to do the work because it’s your last year, but it’s worth trying so that you know you’ll graduate, Mondonedo said.