Bibliophile Troxel transfers from Windsor Knolls
Troxel instructs her third period English 12 class.
October 10, 2017
Ms. Mary Troxel is teaching 9th and 12th grade English during her first year at LHS.
Previously a teacher at Windsor Knoll’s Middle School, Troxel transferred because she enjoys teaching novels and upper level concepts. She’s excited to go more in-depth with this year’s readings.
“I grew up in Prince George’s County, went to school in Baltimore County, and now I teach in Frederick County,” said the Marylander.
Troxel describes herself as, “quirky, with my own sense of style, and a total bibliophile.”
Students in Troxel’s classes do a lot of essay writing, as she enjoys reading her students’ work.
She has the advantage of having taught many of the current students at Windsor Knolls, so it’s easier to get to know and connect with them.
Class of 2021 member Summer Gravely said, “I had Ms. Troxel in middle school. It was really cool to see a familiar face when I got to high school, especially because I was so nervous. She’s one of my favorite teachers.”
Second only to books is her passion for teaching.
“I have a second grade sheet that says I wanted to be a teacher, but, technically, I decided to be one in college,” said Troxel.
Despite her short stature, Troxel is an opinionated person who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. “Although sometimes I regret it afterwards,” Troxel said. Although younger than many of her peers, Troxel is an experienced instructor who’s spent seven years in the classroom.
Troxel said, “Before coming to Linganore, I was worried that having seniors who were taller than me would be an issue, but I haven’t had any problems yet.”