Drama shows audiences the lottery you never want to win
courtesy of Angela Smithhisler
Cast members of The Lottery line up for the annual drawing.
November 10, 2016
What comes to mind when you think of winning the lottery? Fortune, happiness, glory? In the drama department’s production of “The Lottery”, winning brings the exact opposite.
The final of the three one-act shows in The Nightmare Zone, “The Lottery” presents a small town in an ambiguous time period (perhaps even an alternate universe) with a chilling tradition. Every citizen of this town is a participant in a yearly drawing known as the lottery. Although it is never explicitly stated until the end what the “prize” of the lottery is, the eerie atmosphere of the show and the increasing nervousness of the townspeople gives audiences a hint that it’s not something good.
Starring class of 2019 member Macy Armagost, in her first production with Linganore drama, “The Lottery” features the largest cast of the three shows of The Nightmare Zone, with cast members from every grade. Seniors Cassia Connolly and Eileen Rich are student directors.
Armagost said, “The whole cast and crew has worked incredibly hard on this performance, which I think is the hardest of the three shows because of how large the cast is, and we’re all really proud.”
The play is based on a short story by Shirley Jackson, which has been challenged or banned in many places around the world. The story initially received such negative response because of the strong ideas of mob mentality, “the idea that people can abandon reason and act cruelly if they are part of a larger group of people behaving in the same manner.” This theme can be seen in American society today, and can strike a nerve with many people. This production is important as it relates to this fall’s national mood.
Director Eileen Rich said, “The play shows how we tend to follow traditions mindlessly when we are taught it serves a useful purpose.”
Tickets to see The Nightmare Zone are on sale now at showtix4u.com for $10, and will be available at the door for $12. The show will hold performances on November 10th at 7:00, the 11th at 7:00, the 12th at 2:00 and 7:00, and the 13th at 2:00. Follow @LHSDrama on Twitter for updates on shows and drama news.