One Tribe: Lancer seniors stay positive through COVID-19

graphic by Alaina Burger

Grace and Alaina worry they will wear graduation robes only for photo shoots.

by Grace Gaydosh and Alaina Burger

For the seniors, this school year seemed to be a series of losses. 

Linganore High School’s class of 2020 lost the spirit stick during the Homecoming Spirit Week. They lost their last football state championship game as well. Now, due to COVID-19, they might lose prom, graduation, and their last summer before they part ways. 

These unfortunate events may seem like there’s no hope left for these seniors; however, we’re making the best of the situation and keeping our 2020 vision no matter what obstacles may stand in our way. 

While a majority of the recent news has seemed pretty negative, we decided to focus on the positives while asking various seniors about their time spent away from the classroom: 

What are you doing to stay healthy and positive?

“To stay healthy, I’ve been working out more and being more conscious about what I put into my body. Being positive has been hard during this time due to the possibility of missing out on my last prom, graduation, and so on. However, I’ve been trying to avoid social media and the news to try and keep my mind off of it and stay positive.” -Jasmine Macker

“I am staying healthy by working out with running/home equipment. I try to look at news stories that show promise that the virus is getting better, especially in other countries that it hit before the U.S.” -Dann Dugan

“I’ve been trying to spend time outside every day because it definitely brightens my mood.” – Hunter Levinson

“The whole situation with the coronavirus has really thrown a wrench into our senior year, but this time can be used to spend with family and grow. I’ve been able to have more quiet time to really think about what’s important to me. This time has allowed me to work on things that normally I wouldn’t be able to do. We all just have to understand the situation, take a step back, look at what can be done, and make the best of it.” -David Kominars

What are some hobbies you’ve picked up or continued during social distancing?

“Since school has closed, I’ve started painting, cleaning, doing crafts, and I’ve started doing yoga to try and use up all the extra time I have, even though I would much rather be at school with my friends.” -Jasmine Macker

“I haven’t picked up any hobbies so far, but social distancing has shown me different and creative ways to keep dance in my life, even though I cannot physically go to a studio to take class.” -Maggie Adams

“I’ve started to practice nails and makeup more, and it helps me to stay calm and focused as well as gives me something to do every day.” -Mia Cason

“I’ve been trying new recipes and doing fun workout classes from home.” -Allie Sible

“I’ve done a lot of painting and hiking to keep myself busy and get some fresh air instead of being cooped up in the house all day.” -Hunter Levinson

What is your favorite memory or event at Linganore? 

“My favorite memory throughout high school was being a part of cheer. Even though I decided not to try out my senior year due to my job, I made many friends and good memories throughout my 3 years on the team.” -Jasmine Macker

“My favorite memory at LHS would be when the football team won states. To see them go so far and win the whole thing was pretty cool.” -Andrew Marshall

“My favorite memory would have to be Mr. Linganore because I was able to spend a lot of time with an awesome group of people who I wouldn’t normally have had the opportunity to spend time with.” -Hunter Levinson

“My favorite memory at LHS would have to be playing high school soccer with all of my close friends. I’ve known some of them since elementary school and our last high school season together is a memory that I will never forget.” -Aidan Shaw

What teacher has made a positive impact on you during your time at LHS and how?

“Mr. Beaver has made a positive impact on me during my years at Linganore by always being so helpful and making sure I really understood the material that was being given to me as well as making learning a fun and positive experience.” -Lexi Halpert

“Ms. Poff has had the biggest and most positive impact on me all four years of high school. She was ALWAYS there for me whether it had to do with something inside or outside of school. She always helped me stay positive and on top of things and encouraged me to always do what’s best for myself and to hold my head high.” -Lauren Ryan

“Every staff member that I’ve had the honor of knowing and learning from has made an impact in my life. Each teacher has contributed to my life in ways they may not get to see from my future. Whether I had a good relationship with the teacher or not, they were placed in my path for a good reason to educate me not only on the Common Core curriculum but in life lessons as well.” -Braden Weinel

“Mr. Hornbeck has definitely made a positive impact on me during my time at LHS. He was always very positive and was always really pushing me to follow the career path I wanted to take.” -Max Ross

“Mr. Lake made a huge impact on me in math and truly helped me understand a class that is difficult for me. Madame Blonder also has made French super fun and accepts everyone in her class. I have had her for all four years and have loved being a part of her class. She is very passionate, and I wouldn’t want to be in French 4 with anyone else as my teacher. Also Ms. Baker, who is a great teacher and makes whatever she is teaching fun. She is full of energy and positivity. I always look forward to her class.” -Olivia Geisler

“Mr. Hawthorne has had the biggest impact on me just by making the extra effort to make his students smile and by being such a caring person.” -Charlotte Koogle 

What advice would you give to underclassmen and future Lancers?

“Always stay positive or help someone in need of understanding the material if needed and to keep up on schoolwork.” -Lexi Halpert

“High school may seem like a popularity contest, but it’s so much more than that. Don’t force yourself to be friends with people just because you don’t wanna be left out.” -Lauren Ryan

“Don’t stress too much about the SAT–it’s going to be okay! Study and do your best.” -Charlotte Koogle

“Don’t sell yourself short. High school is full of opportunities. Don’t be afraid to join a club or try out for a team because there’s always new people to meet and new things to learn.” -Kojo Benefo

“Try not to take anything for granted. Sometimes a 7-hour school day is exhausting and stressful and just not fun, but after four years of it you’re going to look back and reminisce on what your teenage years were composed of. The good memories will last a lifetime, and the bad memories are just a chance to learn and excel.” -Braden Weinel

What is one thing that you would like to share with our graduating class? 

“To my fellow 2020 students I would like to say I miss and love all of you and I wish that we could’ve spent our last days together at Linganore instead of at home, but we are making the best out of a bad situation. Roll Tribe.” -Will Coletti 

“Every single one of us has a purpose in life. Whatever it is that you choose to do, do it 100% and don’t look back until you feel you are successful, and you will be successful.” -Braden Weinel

“I wish we had more time together. I never thought I’d miss high school, but I now realize how many memories we’ve made and I’m truly grateful.” -Megan Plazinski

“One thing that I’d like to share with the graduating class is this–We had, BY FAR, the easiest senior year in all of time.” -Max Ross

Although this has caused a great deal of stress for everyone, we are proud Lancers no matter what. We will get through this as one big Lancer family.

We entered Linganore in the fall of 2016 as naive freshmen, unsure about what high school would hold for us and just wanting to make a few friends. Now, four years later, we know one thing is certain: the friendships and memories that we have made together will last a lifetime.

Stay happy, healthy, and positive and we hope to see everyone at graduation!