Juniors practice interview skills with community volunteers: Photo of the Day 11/14/17
Various juniors receive feedback on their junior interviews.
November 16, 2017
On November 14, sharply dressed students waited nervously outside in the cafeteria for their number to be called. Then they approached business strangers and began to pitch their best features in a mock interview.
Junior interviews are a way for the the junior class to gain experience on how to present themselves in a career situation. It is an event the happens twice in a school year, one in the fall the other in the spring. Students have their interviews based on which semester they have English.
To prepare for the interviews, juniors are required to create a resume outlining their work experience and accomplishments. Students create cover letters and conduct interview preparation with quirky icebreakers to make them comfortable in an uncomfortable, nerve-wracking environment.
These interviews are meant to allow students with and without interview experience to get practice and advice on how to ace an interview. In some instances, people are even offered internships or jobs.
“I conducted myself in a manner that was business professional; therefore I was offered an internship at State Farm,” said junior Rian Sipe.
Regardless of the stress caused by this event, the students found it worthwhile, and it is a highlight of junior year.
Big thanks to these businesses for coming out and helping the Junior class for this year’s interviews.
Denny Ahalt, Community Volunteer
Missy Baker, State Farm
William Barge, Chick-Fil-A
Chris Berry, Chris Berry Realty
Jeffery Bocar, Sandy Spring Bank
Amber Brengel, Beltsville Construction Supply, Inc.
Bill Butts, Retirement Solutions
Molly Coughlan, Country Meadows
Donna Dorman, Dorman Remodeling
Steve Fennington, Frederick County Bank
Laura Grimes, Old Line Bank
Katie Grosso, Katie Grosso,DDS
Kathy Hall, Sandy Spring Bank
Jennifer Hogg, Frederick County Bank
Linda Koons, Carroll Community Bank
Cindy Malone, Equipment Deployment Company
Kristen Miller, Phoenix Mecano
Kevin Murphy, Browning Reagle Insurance
Bob Peters, Community Volunteer
Richard Roberts, Maryland State Police
Chris Safsten, NNT Data
Jim Scales, Sandy Spring Bank
Stacie Schattenberg, Bright Horizons
P. W. Shaffer, Sandy Spring Bank
Jeri Simon, Mt. Airy Directory
SSgt. Aaron Turk, United States Marine Corps.
Grant Wheeler, Sandy Spring Bank
Mike Winter, BWM of Catonsville