Sports Boosters and other groups raise spirit on Back to School Night: Photo of the Day 8/26/2016
Erin Lafferty and others check out LHS spirit gear.
August 26, 2016
August 25, students and parents crowded the hallways the annual Back to School Night.
Parents can meet the teachers and learn about what the students will be studying this school year. Some parents came to join PTSA, order their yearbooks or buy Linganore gear in the Marketplace, held from 7 – 8:30.
Parents in the Linganore Sports Boosters were selling everything with a LHS logo- t-shirts, sweatshirts, stickers, sweatpants, magnets, etc. etc.
“All money raised by the Sports Boosters assists the athletics department and all students and sports,” said Sports Boosters board member Debbie Day. At Back to School Night, the group earned over $7,000.
Parent Mark Matthews said, “The [Track and Field] Coach had to address the parents. So I came to listen to what the coach had to say about what he expects out of his players and the parents.”
Clubs and programs such as the SGA, Latin, and Lancer Media also sold club-related items or raised money for different fundraisers.
This year, the administration changed to an open classroom program, where parents and students could visit the teachers for an hour, from 6 – 7 p.m. Many students said they preferred the new format to last year’s presentations.
“I thought the open classrooms were really nice,” said sophomore Caitlin Cook. “You could go and see your teachers by yourself instead of having a set time and schedule.”
English teacher Mary Ellen Newcomb said, “It was very informal, which is nice, but I was repeating myself so often because parents were coming in at different times. I think overall I prefer the bell schedule from last year.”