NEHS rolls into new school year with game night: Photo of the Day 10/26/16
A group of Class of 2017 NEHS members enjoy a game of Scattergories.
October 27, 2016
The National English Honor Society recently accepted 57 new members and has begun to celebrate language arts with activities for the 2016-2017 school year.
On the evening of October 26th, NEHS threw a game night for new and returning members and their friends. Participants brought food and games to share to the media center.
Cooordinated by NEHS officer Emily Barbagallo, all of the officers helped to plan the Kahoot activity and brought games and food.

Class of 2017 members Cori Nichols, Taylor Rutley, Melanie Raible, and Tessa Anderson play a game of Headbandz
Allyson Dongarra and Carolyn Payne won gift certificate door prizes at the end of the night.
The first part of the evening was spent playing classic games such as Life, Scattergories, and Yahtzee (a personal favorite of NEHS president Tory Spruill).
In the last half hour of the event, the group played two rounds of Kahoot: a Halloween themed game and a Disney themed game. The two winners, junior Marie Tapscott and senior Melanie Raible, received three extra entries in the prize drawings.
Prizes included a Dunkin Donuts gift card and an iTunes giftcard. Mrs. Rebetsky, adviser, also drew names for several wrapped surprise prizes such as bubbles or playing cards.
Follow NEHS on twitter @LinganoreNEHS for future updates on events and news. The induction will be held on November 15 at 7:00 p.m. The community is welcome.