Underclassmen sitting pretty for picture days: Photo of the Day 9/10/15


Kaylee Henry

Emily Reed, Class of ’19, takes her turn with the photographer.

by Kaylee Henry, Editor

Hated by many, loved by few,  it’s picture day on September 10 and 11.  Each student who sat for a photo was given a student ID.  Everyone is expected to sit for the yearbook photo (free).  The paid photograph packages are optional.

Today freshmen and sophomores were photographed in the auditorium from 8 a.m to 1:50 p.m.

Tomorrow the remaining sophomores and juniors will be photographed at the same times.

Don’t worry though, if your pictures aren’t satisfactory, retakes are available; although, you won’t receive a second school ID.

Victor O’Neill, in charge of the underclassmen photos, is also in charge of senior portraits. Senior portraits have already been photographed, but in case anyone missed his/her sitting,  there are retakes on September 16th.

Although everyone looks forward to seeing photos of themselves in May or June, “Picture day is an embarrassing time for all of us. It would be easier if we could upload selfies instead,” said Bree Cacioppo, a member of Class of ’17.