Photo of the day 5/16/14: Sandhill Cranes visit Linganore


Alexis Hosein

The two Sandhill Cranes are spotted looking out of place next to the tennis courts behind the school.

by Will Foreman, Community News Editor

On Thursday, May 16th, Junior Eric McDowell, a student in Ann Andrex’s period 1 Environmental Science class, noticed two large birds standing outside the window of the classroom. Springing into action, Junior Trey Simpson researched and was able to identify the birds as Sandhill Cranes.

The birds are not native to this area, so the class contacted the Catoctin Zoo, but the zoo reported no missing birds. Andrex speculates that the birds most likely got blown off course during their spring migration from Florida to Minnesota. More information on Sandhill Cranes can be found here.

Like the first snowfall of the year, the birds brought students and teachers to the windows of their classrooms to gawk at this unusual event.