Extra! Extra! Newsies auditions in full swing: Photo of the Day 12/8/19
Thays Sena, Natalie Rhodes, Lydia Knotts, Natalie Roth, and Cara Bond finish strong on their dance audition.
December 9, 2019
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Auditions for the spring musical, Newsies, have just wrapped up. Forty-eight potential cast members came together to show off the best of their acting, singing, and dancing skills.
Two weeks prior to auditions, interested students received an audition preparation packet. In this packet, auditionees were provided with a list of characters, monologue choices, and song choices. From the information given, auditionees prepared to present their talents to the creative team. This year’s creative team is made up of Mrs. Angela Smithhisler (Director), Mr. Lake (Assistant Director), Emily Webb (Student Director), Olivia Pietanza (Student Stage Manager), and Gabbie Smith (Student Choreographer).
A number of skills come into play when casting students for a musical. Because of this, the auditions were divided into three separate days: one day for acting, one for singing, and one for dancing.
For acting auditions, students went on stage one by one and performed one of the four provided monologues. The creative team observed the auditionees’ memorization, enunciation, projection, and overall characterization during their monologue.
Senior auditionee David Kominars said, “Acting auditions have been really fun because you get to see people step out of their comfort zones and overcome their fears. Seeing people improve and grow overtime has been amazing to be a part of.”
The next step of auditions was the singing portion. Auditionees gathered in the choir room and were led by Mr. Dye, the musical director, in a series of vocal warmups. Then, auditionees performed one of five provided songs. In addition to overall vocal ability, emotion and characterization played a large role in each audition.
“The singing auditions were really inspiring. Even when people were down or hard on themselves, everyone was lifting each other up and the overall mood the whole time was just very uplifting,” said junior auditionee Ricky Guariglia.
Finally, to wrap up auditions, auditionees gathered to show off their dancing ability. After warming up and stretching on stage as a group, the auditionees were taught a short segment of a dance number by Smithhisler and Smith. After learning the dance, students were given a little bit of time to practice before being called on stage in groups of six to perform what they had just learned.
Senior auditionee Julia Lizmi said, “The dancing auditions were super fun. It was great to feel confident on stage and to get a real taste of what it will be like in the show.”
Stage manager, Olivia Pietanza, said,”I thought it was cool to see what people did with the characters they had to portray. The energy running through everyone during the auditions showed itself differently in each person. People’s love of theater brings them out of their comfort zones and I think that’s so special.”
On December 9, a number of students will be further showcasing their talents at callback auditions. Callbacks help to determine who is the best fit for certain roles.
The cast list and other information about the show will be posted Monday evening at the Linganore Drama website, so stay tuned for updates!
Newsies will be showing from April 23 to April 26, keep your eyes out for ticket sales coming soon!