Entrepreneur class learns key strategies at Keys Stadium: Photo of the Day 9/23/19


Erica Blockinger

Erin Lawson and Geoff Arnold answering questions the students had about marketing.

by Erica Blockinger, Reporter

Students from the Management and Entrepreneur class went on a field trip to the Frederick Keys Stadium on September 17.

They met with Erin Lawson, the team director of marketing for the Keys. She spoke with the students about the types of themes they have during their season to keep bringing people into the stands. 

One of the themed nights is “The Office,” where Leslie David Baker, who plays Stanley Hudson on the show, held a meet and greet during the game.  

The class learned how the Keys are able to manage events and make the games a fun family night for everyone to enjoy. 

The students also met with the Director of Broadcasting and Public Relations, Geoff Arnold. 

The class’s main project is to plan and run a school-wide event. Arnold talked to the students about how to get more people to come to their events and explained to them the do’s and don’ts of advertising their events. 

 In10se BBQ catered the event for the visiting students, and brought a selection of  pulled pork, BBQ chicken, their famous pasta salad, and baked beans.

Owner of In10se BBQ, Rob Bugos, talked to the students about running his own company and how he and his wife started the catering business. 

Student Jordyn Vetter, who went on the field trip, said “This trip was amazing! The food was fantastic, and I think we really got a lot of good information that will help us with our projects.”