Class of 2018 Countdown: Band seniors strike final chords in last nine days of school

Elizabeth Anderson

Andrew Nash, Matt Molineau, Richard Zhang, Evan Schalon, Mallory Safsten, Alex Pare, Erin Doyle, Charles Quansah, Olivia Weinel, Daniel Roberson, and Allie Hudson pose in front of the stage during symphonic band practice

With only nine days left until they’re out of high school for good, band seniors are busy finishing benchmark projects, completing final performances, and saying farewell to close friends. After years of enduring grueling heat, freezing cold, and late nights spent at band camp, concerts, and spring trips, graduation is both a sweet reward and a sad goodbye to both the best and not-so-great aspects of the band program.

Mr. Kevin Lloyd directs the marching band in the fall and the symphonic band in the spring, committing hours upon hours of time to the ensembles on top of directing several other groups such as guitar ensemble, jazz band, freshmen band, and percussion ensemble. During marching season, he is assisted by Mr. Damon Dye and Mr. Jeremy Brown, both staff members of Linganore High School. Dye teaches several music ensembles in the fall and spring.

“The band program is a great opportunity,” said senior Matt Molineau, who plays the trumpet in band. “Mr. Lloyd is a great teacher, and I’ll miss all of the friends I made there as well.”

Molineau will be attending Mount St. Mary’s University, majoring in political science.

Other senior band members include Andrew Nash (trumpet), Allie Hudson (clarinet), Olivia Weinel (clarinet), Charles Quansah (saxophone), Alex Pare (baritone), Richard Zhang (trombone), Evan Schalon (trumpet), Erin Doyle (trombone), and Daniel Roberson (trombone).

“My favorite parts of band were all of the friends I made and our annual spring trip, especially this year’s trip to Disney,” said Richard Zhang. “I loved socializing on the band bus to and from competitions and trips.”

Zhang will be attending the University of Maryland, majoring in math and computer science.

The band seniors will be sorely missed by Linganore, but their legacy will carry on in future years of the band program through friends, siblings, and even the teachers themselves. A huge thank you and good luck to them as they take the next step in their lives!