Learning for Life students make morning treats for faculty: Photo of the Day 11/19/17


courtesy of Bridget Murphy

Jalen Davis and Brandon Kline prepare coffee and tea.

by Lilly Player, Reporter

The kids in the Learning For Life program started the coffee cart the week of November 13 and will continue it throughout the school year. Currently they are selling coffee, tea, and biscotti for $1 each, and muffins are $1.50. After winter break they plan to sell hot dogs and popcorn!

Mrs. Mary Cate Henry, the Learning for Life teacher, said, “It’s nice to see the students develop some independent skills and let some of their personalities come out as they delivering it and interacting with teachers.”

Every morning, each student is assigned a position. They make fresh batches of the tea and coffee, giving the students an opportunity to learn about possible tasks required in some jobs.

Junior Suscha Campbell said, “My favorite part about the cart is pouring the water for the tea because it shows me how to do it for any future jobs.”

Faculty and staff: Make sure to put in your orders by emailing Henry and help out the Learning For Life program!