LHSsees2020: Kate Mannarino will be every animal’s scarlet knight in shining armor


In August 2016, Kate Mannarino will be turning in her Lancer red and black for bright scarlet. She will be a Rutgers University Scarlet Knight.

“Rutgers has one of the best pre-veterinary programs in the country, and the average acceptance rate into vet school from Rutgers is 90-95 percent,” explained Mannarino. “I also just fell in love with the campus. They have a huge farm with a ton of animals.”

Mannarino knew she wanted to work with animals from a very young age. “Even when my career plans fluctuated, I always went back to being a veterinarian”

Rutgers offers several clubs and internships for animal-related fields. Mannarino is looking forward to the “Seeing Eye Puppy” Club, where students have the opportunity to raise a puppy while at school.

“I want to someday save all of the animals I possibly can,” said Mannarino. “College will be a lot different than high school, but I’m ready to be a Scarlet Knight!”

Would you like to be featured in a Lancer Media article about your plans following graduation? Stop by room C203 during any period for a photo and a brief interview.