Sophomores learn about CTC during PREP: Photo of the Day 12/8/16
Linganore sophomores learn about the Career Technology Center.
December 8, 2016
During PREP on 12/7 and 12/8, students learned about the CTC (Career Technology Center) program.
The CTC program was made for students in grades 10-12 who want to take career-focused classes that prepare them for the workforce and college.
“CTC’s programs are a solid option for me because they can take me far down my career pathway,” said Isabella Delahousaye, a member of the Class of 2019. She plans to study
Classes include, but are not limited to:
- Academy of Health Professions
- Advanced Website Design & Animation
- Ag. and Commercial Metals/Welding Technology
- Auto Body Repair and Refinishing
- Automotive Technology
- Biomedical Science
- Carpentry
- CISCO Networking Academy
- CAD Architectural Graphics
- CAD Engineering Graphics
- Computer Technican/Analyst
- Cosmetology
- Criminal Justice
- Culinary Arts
- Digital Design & Printing Methods
- Electricity
- Environmental Landscape Design & Management
- Masonry
- HVACR/Plumbing
- Security+
- TV Multimedia Production
Whether you’re interested in welding or cosmetology, there’s a class at CTC.
“I learned that you can shadow the classes you’re in before you decide to take them,” said Delahousaye.
To apply to CTC, you must shadow for half of a day, have good attendance, and be in good academic standing. Students who are interested should complete the application available on the CTC school website. Sign up to shadow in Student Services. Shadowing will take place between December and February.