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The student news site of Linganore High School

The Lance

The student news site of Linganore High School

The Lance

The student news site of Linganore High School

The Lance

Senior Shawn Pelovitz signs his letter of intent to play football at Muhlenberg College.

#NationalSigningDay2025: Shawn Pelovitz signs to play football at Muhlenberg

by Lydia Ferrari and Ellie Lange February 14, 2025

On February 5, Linganore senior Shawn Pelovitz signed his National Letter of Intent to continue his football career at Muhlenberg College located in Allentown PA.  Since sophomore year, Pelovitz has...

Junior Emily Rice gets ready to take pictures before prom.

Lancer Spotlight: Prom being held on a Friday raises concern for student plans

by Cara Morgan, Reporter April 22, 2024

This year, Linganore High School’s (LHS) prom falls on Friday May 10, and will be held at the Frederick Fairgounds. This is an unusual occurrence for LHS, since their prom is usually held on a Saturday....

The view of The Great Frederick Fair from the top of "The Swings".

Fair Day 2022: What should you expect?

by JP Lyons, Editor September 23, 2022

Fall is officially upon us, the air is getting cooler, leaves are turning from green to a colorful variety, football games dominate Friday evenings, and most importantly the Frederick Fair comes to town. The...

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The student news site of Linganore High School
Emily Rice