Sewtherapy: PREP offers opportunity for students to learn to sew for charity

Elizabeth Rajnik

Sierra Rossman and Peyton Johnson prepare new sewing machines for the sew therapy PREP class.

On September 12, Mrs. Natalie Rebetsky, Sierra Rossman and Peyton Johnson prepared sewing machines for a new PREP opportunity coming this fall, Sewtherapy.

Assistant Principal, Mr. McWilliams, arranged for Rebetsky to use sewing machines that were in storage.

Rebetsky was inspired to create the sewing workshop after having sewn pillowcases for “Ryan’s Case for Smiles,” with her journalism students as a service project.

Sydney Rossman, a 2017 Linganore graduate, first brought the idea to journalism as she had done it before with 4-H. Rebestky noticed how much her journalism students enjoyed participating in the sewing project and wanted to give more students the same opportunity.

Rebetsky’s love for sewing began at a young age, as she was inspired and taught by her mother who was a seamstress throughout Rebetsky’s childhood.

“I’m hoping that if I can show somebody else [how to sew], then maybe they will get a lifelong enjoyment out of it,” Rebetsky said. Rebetsky understands the intimidation of the sewing machine, as she only classifies herself as an “upper-level beginner,” but hopes that she can help teach the useful skill to students.

Elizabeth Rajnik and Peyton Johnson test out the new sewing machines by making pillow cases.

The focus of the sewing opportunities will be on items to donate to charity, including sewing bibs for special needs children or small toiletry bags to fill with personal hygiene items to donate to shelters.

Rebetsky also encourages students to come to her for sewing assistance on personal projects, new craft ideas or simply just a therapeutic outlet during a stressful day of school.

“You need a place to cool off and learn how to sew something? I’m happy to help you,” Rebetsky said.  Rebetsky knows which teachers are experts, so she plans to tap into the staff when her own knowledge fails.  Parent Jennifer Safsten offered some supplies and help thinking about organizing the group.  Parents in the community have donated accessories like thread and scissors.

Sierra Rossman, Sydney Rossman’s sister, is also a sewing enthusisiast. “I’ve been sewing since I was about four years old and always found it relaxing. I think having the sewing therapy opportunity at school is a great idea and will encourage more students to learn the art. It’s a shame that sewing has been decreasing in popularity, but it really is a useful skill and I’m excited for my classmates to love it just like I do,” said Rossman. 

If you are interested and wish to sign up to sew, there is a PREP sign up sheet outside of C207 and C203.  You can decide which day is right for you. Remember, no experience is necessary. Just bring yourself!