Mr. Linganore contestants show their soft hearts in the Sweetheart Letter competition


Ethan Hart

Contestants work on their letters.

Mason Eddins

On March 8, the eight contestants of Mr. Linganore XXL, and their chosen assistants, participated in the annual lunchtime sweetheart letter competition. Each student’s letter had to include candy hearts with messages on them, combined with their own words. The letters were then judged by the English department.

Each contestant wrote to a special someone either in real life or in their character’s life. Although every letter was unique in its own way, there were definitely some crowd favorites. Devin Barge, who is portraying the Fresh Prince of Bel-air, wrote to his girlfriend, Sophia Posada.

“With all of the candy hearts, it just made sense to write to my significant other and I was able to write a lot with the hearts that I had,” said Barge.

Contestants Andrew Nash and Josh Watson decided to write to their letters to each other. Garrett Johnson wrote to his celebrity crush, Anna Kendrick. Nathan Lippy wrote words of encouragement to the all of the contestants. Erick Stutz wrote to his nephew, Kayden Ray. Joel Tate wrote to “his love,” and Lars Eklund wrote to his “cutie pie.”

During the other two lunch shifts, two other competitions were held. The contestants decorated cakes based on their characters and created gum-drop towers.

The results of the sweetheart letter contest or the other lunchtime contests will be announced at the Mr. Linganore XXL competition on Saturday, March 10 at 7 p.m.. Tickets will be available at the door.

Good luck to all contestants!