Class of 2018: Computer graphics seniors capture their last 26 days in the computer lab

Grace Gaydosh

Computer graphics seniors pose in Mrs. Bozzonetti’s class for day 26 of the senior countdown.

With only 26 days left till graduation, the computer graphics seniors capture their last 26 days in the digital lab. Senior Hailey Nell used a program to design the number 26 with an arrow going through it representing a lance. 

Computer graphics 2-4, taught by Mrs. Tracy Bozzonetti, is all about learning how to use programs Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Some students have been eagerly working on the Watermark, the school’s literary magazine and submitting their work for the recycle and science fair contests. In the past, the class has designed banners for school plays and posters for school events. 

Nell said, “I like learning all of the programs we use because it’s fun to try out different ones and see what ideas come along.”

Senior Lynn Edmiston will be attending Frederick Community College and will get her general studies completed before transferring to a four-year school. She plans to participate in yearbook club as well. Throughout high school, she has participated in FFA and has received awards for being top seller for the fall and spring fundraisers.

Senior Gus Gesell plans to attend Frederick Community College as well for a year and then transer to University of the Arts in Philadelphia to study music, art, and writing. He has participated in GSA, creative writing club, extreme music club, and the German Honor Society.

“My favorite part of being a member of GSA was being able to help my community,” said Gesell.

The seniors all agreed that they would miss their friends the most. They will leave many memories and long friendships behind.

“Not only will I miss my friends, but also my teachers who have helped me a lot,” said Rachel Bechler, who also plans to attend Frederick Community College.