Kids helping kids — Food drive through the month of October
Mrs. Henry’s students decorated boxes and a shopping cart for the drive.
October 9, 2017
Did you know that one in nine Marylanders is food insecure? That is over 680,000 people in our state who experience hunger day to day.
Throughout the month of October the Maryland State Food Bank is hosting the “Kids Helping Kids” challenge throughout all schools in Maryland. Character Counts! coordinator Dawn Aburto announced LHS’s participation in the challenge. Aburto is a Special Education Instructional Assistant and works with Mrs. Kate Henry.
The students in Henry’s first period class have decorated a shopping cart and boxes to collect any non-perishable foods. Some examples of foods that can be dropped off are boxed macaroni or pasta, canned soup or other canned foods, cereal, oatmeal, and more.
The boxes will be delivered to each prep room to hold the foods. “If anyone would like a decorated donation box [for the food drive collections], Mrs. Henry’s class can create a beautiful donation box,” said Aburto.
Marylanders collectively miss over 122 million meals a year. The LHS community is on it’s way to lessening that number.
The Department of the Environment for Maryland reported that “998,630 tons of food waste [is] generated each year.” Every person deserves food, and we can all do our part in making sure the people in our community recieve it.
The prep class that brings in the most food will win a Krispy Kreme donut party. The donated food will be counted and documented every time it is collected by students.
Please drop off any donations to the front office if you are not a student at Linganore. Anything and everything helps! If there are any questions or concerns, email Ms. Aburto at [email protected] or stop into Mrs. Henry’s class, room A133.