Sibling rivalry and revelry: Is it cool to go to school with your kin?


graphic by Grace Weaver

Siblings show their love for each other. Clockwise from upper left- Kate and Anne Cameron, Jackson and Kennedi Ambush, Devin and Haley Barge, and Alyse and Gail Montgomery.

by Grace Weaver, Editor

Oh that dreaded moment comes… You see your sibling walking down the hallway way towards you. What are you going to do? Turn and walk a different way? Keep walking and pretend like you didn’t see him/her with the possibility of getting in trouble at home for not saying “Hi?” Or suck it up and say actually acknowledge the brother or sister.

Even though most of us have sibling experience, it seems like it’s a one-of-a-kind crisis.

The positive side of having a sibling at school is that it can be fun hearing about teachers in common and other gossip around the school.

” I love going to school with my sister. She’s my best friend. It’s the best experience a sibling could ask for.”

— Junior Kate Cameron

While some people have a different view. Devin Barge, a sophomore, said, “This is my sister who I love SOOO much.”

Nell Darby a blogger for The Guardian talked about her personal experiences, “Studies have identified that siblings may provide some shy children, at least, with a sense of ‘protection’ in the school environment…”  and Mrs. Ilana Blum, school counselor, agrees.

Blum said, “They feel safe because the older sibling feels like it is their job to protect their sibling. They can do this in my different ways: introducing them to their friends, showing them around the school, or just being that person to lean on after failing a test.”

Seeing your sibling at school is both a blessing and a curse. Here are some Pros and Cons:  

Pros of having them at your school:

  1. You get extra set of eyes and ears at the school
  2. They can help you with the classes they’ve already taken
  3. You always know someone at the school events so you don’t have to walk in by yourself
  4. If you don’t hear something important at school then they are there to fill in the extra info
  5. Your teachers already know about you 🙂

Cons of having them at your school:

  1. They are always there and know if you have gotten into any trouble
  2. You have to live up to their standard or improving your teachers’ expectations 
  3. You never know what the sibling are telling your mom and dad until you get in trouble
  4. Being seen in the hallway with your sibling can be “embarrassing”
  5. Your teachers already know about you 🙁

According to Springer Link, “Half of the economic inequality comes from family and community influences…” So if you’re an older sibling, then don’t always have a bad attitude during school. You could be hurting your sibling’s success.

On the other hand, if you are a younger sibling, don’t take everything big brother or sister as the truth. Go out and explore. Maybe you’ll find something that interests you.
The worst thing that you can say after four years is follow in the footsteps of a sibling without making your own path. You don’t want to live with that regret.