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Lancer Spotlight 3/28/24: National Honor Society Duct Tapes Dr. Dillman

Emily Rice
Senior Chloe Little poses alongside Principal Dillman during third lunch, as students complete taping him to the wall.

On March 21, Linganore High School’s (LHS) National Honor Society (NHS) hosted a fundraiser for Metastatic Breast Cancer Research, Support and Awareness (METAvivor) and duct taped LHS principal Dr. Michael Dillman to the wall in the cafeteria over the course of all lunch shifts. 

METAvivor is a non-profit research organization dedicated to men and women living with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. The organization is volunteer-led, and the funds are used to research and improve the lives of their patients. METAvivor is led by President Jamil Rivers, Vice President Kate Watson, Treasurer Patti Stough and more than thirty directors. Their mission is to make metastatic breast cancer a manageable disease, rather than a terminal diagnosis. 

NHS President Lucy Ellis explained how the club saw similar fundraisers on social media which inspired their own fundraiser idea.

“We had seen things online, like on Instagram, about schools doing a fundraiser where they pick a principal or a teacher [to tape to the wall],” Ellis said. 

LHS principal Dr. Michael Dillman poses while he is duct taped to the wall during the fundraiser. (Emily Rice)

Ellis said it was not hard to convince Dillman to participate. He trusted the NHS with this decision and agreed to be taped to raise money for the fundraiser. 

“They had sent me a message in Schoology first, and I was like, ‘let’s see what this is about,’” Dillman explained. “After I met with them, I figured they would be up for the challenge.”

Dillman shared that he believes it is important for school principals to be involved with these types of events at schools. 

Students enjoyed participating in this event and found it fun to be a part of duct taping their school principal. 

After all lunch shifts and the end of the fundraiser, the Linganore NHS made a total of $128 to donate to METAvivor Breast Cancer Research. This will help to further their research and benefit current and future cancer patients.

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