On May 20, the Linganore High School (LHS) Class of 2024 gathered at Mount St. Mary’s University (MSMU) for Linganore’s 62nd commencement ceremony.
This unforgettable milestone was an immense accomplishment for all members of the senior class.
Though this day was special for LHS seniors, it was memorable for all of the friends, family and other guests that came to celebrate them as well.
Throughout the ceremony, LHS Band played multiple pieces of music including “Patriots on Parade,” “Pomp and Circumstance” and “Exaltation.” These songs were used to greet the seniors as they processed in to receive their diplomas and bid farewell to the graduates as they began a new chapter.
To prepare for the ceremony, LHS Band arrived an hour early to set up their instruments and equipment. This ensured that the band would be ready for the beginning of the ceremony.
The LHS Choir began the ceremony by performing “The Star-Spangled Banner” and later performed “Child of Tomorrow.”
Choir Director Damon Dye carefully chose these songs based on the skill level of the singers, the voices of the choir and the context of the music to ensure it was appropriate for this occasion. He then researched various music publishers for pieces that met the choir’s needs and budget.
Dye felt that this commencement ceremony matched the effort it takes to reach the milestone of graduating high school.
“The successful completion of a 12-year course of study is a big deal, and it is fitting to have a ceremony in recognition of that achievement,” said Dye.
Linganore will be bidding farewell to Dye’s leadership of the LHS choir and orchestra for the past 17 years. He will be retiring at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
The LHS graduation ceremony also featured numerous speakers to reflect on students’ experiences and commend them for their achievements.
Before the seniors received their diplomas, Senior Speaker Julie Angulo gave an inspiring speech to the Class of 2024. She thanked teachers, friends and guardians for supporting each graduate and helping them to get where they are today.
“In our four years at Linganore, we have made countless memories that we will cherish, friendships that will last a lifetime, and experiences that have led us to who we are now,” Angulo said.
She reported that when she first moved here, she did not like Linganore very much, but Linganore began to grow on her after support from countless teachers and new friends she met along the way.
As a child, Angulo felt like her high school graduation was going to be an eternity away, but as she stood in front of the Class of 2024, she realized how fast time has flown by since starting at Linganore.
Principal Dr. Michael Dillman awarded two Golden Lance Awards to one graduating senior and one faculty member. The two recipients were senior Meredith Moyer and LHS math teacher Allison Partner, who were chosen for how they represented the six pillars of exemplary character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness and citizenship.
The ceremony itself was moved up an hour from previous years and was expected to run approximately 90 minutes.
LHS flute player Elena Power, who attended the graduation ceremony as a part of the band, enjoyed the ceremony and thought it ran smoothly.
“It went quickly, and it felt very organized and efficient,” Power said.
The success of the ceremony could not have happened without the support from the teachers and loved ones that motivated the Class of 2024 to keep pushing through their four years at Linganore.
Thank you to all of the teachers, family members and friends that attended the graduation ceremony to celebrate this milestone with our graduates. Congratulations to the Class of 2024!