Lancer Spotlight 11/8/22: Key Club spreads post-it-tivity around LHS
One of the many Post-It notes scattered around the school spreading positivity.
November 8, 2022
The Key Club at Linganore sets up events and activities around the school to promote charities for children in need. Jeremy Brown is the club advisor and Emily Bollhorst is the president.
The Key Club has organized multiple events this year. Last month, the Key Club set up an event at lunch in which they sold Boo Grams. Students could buy Boo Grams for other students and friends which included candy with a note attached. Each was only $1.
Students weree able to participate in a fun, beneficial event that collected donations for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF). UNICEF is an organization that reaches the most disadvantaged children and adolescents to help them live a better life. Their goal is for every child to be healthy, educated, protected and respected.

The Key Club has continued to set up another event this month. This event does not involve earning money for charity, but it is still important within the Linganore community. Club members have been placing Post-It Notes with kind messages all around the school to make students smile and feel motivated.
“The purpose of the sticky notes was to show a random act of kindness so that other people around the school could see our positive messages,” said member of the Key Club Rachel Beckman.
Each sticky note has a different message. They say things such as “you are enough” or “keep up your amazing work.” There are multiple sticky notes in each hallway. These notes are helping the community as they are spreading kindness throughout the school.
The Key Club is planning yet another event for Thanksgiving, called the Turkey Dinner. They plan on asking local grocery stores to donate turkeys and they also are going to host a canned food drive. Each PREP class at Linganore had a list of possible canned foods or items they could bring in and all boxes were collected at the end of the week. The Key Club are going to use these donations to supply a Thanksgiving dinner to people in need.
“After hearing all that the key club has done, I think that this club is a great part of the school and overall makes it a better place,” said freshman Brady Zirkle.
The Key Club has been a great help to our community and will continue to put together more beneficial events in the future.