Girls swimming drowns T.J. opposition in fifth meet

Rachel McCoy

Lyra Garrett, Emily Litito, and Taylor Koch cheer on Grace Winpigler in the 100 breast.

by Ashley Nash, Reporter

The swimming and diving team finished their fifth meet against Thomas Johnson High School on January 9. The final score for the girls was a commanding 114-68 .  The six-man boys teams fell short with a score of 50-99.

The girls team has excelled this season. Winning the county meet February 9 would be a first in LHS history.

The girls 400-Freestyle Relay, which includes Taylor Koch, Lyra Garrett, Megan Brobst, and Rachel McCoy beat a school record by seven seconds, setting the new time at 3:50.48.

Brobst and Koch won multiple events. McCoy and Garrett won all of their events.

Jessica Buntman, second place finisher in the state championship last year, continued her county winning streak this year in diving.  Kailah Caliskan is also diving for the team.

“The meets are super hype, and the energy is just buzzing and electrifying to be around. The meet was so fun. It was great seeing everyone having fun and supporting each other. Because we have a small team, it makes us all closer,” said Garrett, Class of 2022.

Some other great moments from the meet were Reed Dickson’s personal record (PR) by 1.56 seconds and his second place finish in the 200 Freestyle. Brian Helton had a 1.36 second improvement, a PR, and placed second in the 200 Freestyle. Garrett Safsten placed second in the 100 Butterfly. Grace Winpigler had a second place finish in the 100 Breaststroke. Vince Booth dropped 2.63 from his personal best, and placed third in the 100 Freestyle. Shani Houser’s dropped 2.67 from his PR and had a fourth place finish in the 50 freestyle.

The teams next meet is January 17 at Middletown High School against Brunswick.