Drama takes a break in Tech Week with a tailgate dinner: Photo of the Day: 11/12/19

Thomas French

Techies enjoy a delicious tailgate-style dinner pot-luck.

by Thomas French, Editor

On Thursday, November 7, the Drama department started Tech Week, the last days before putting on the fall play, It’s a Wonderful Life.

With the stress of learning lighting cues, full costume run-throughs with make-up and staying after school until 8:00, there isn’t much time for a breather.

At roughly 6:30 p.m., everyone stops rehearsal for their favorite time. Dinner.

Every day throughout the week, food is provided by the students families and the one hour period is a great time for the cast and crew to bond.

Over the five days of tech week, the meals have themes. The first night tailgate featured fried chicken.

“I like dinner because its a time for both actors and techies to come together and express how we feel. It creates a warm and trusting environment,” said Patricia Hatley, a senior. She plays Mr. Potter’s Secretary

It’s a Wonderful Life will be performed on November 15 and 16. Tickets can be bought on Showtix4u.com.