Seniors recognized for their achievements at Senior Salute 2018
Students are recognized for their achievements
June 1, 2018
On May 30, seniors were recognized at the annual Senior Salute. As a class, the seniors selected Mr. Pat Greene to be the featured speaker.
The ceremony started with opening remarks from the Senior Class President Kenny McQuay. Throughout the night, awards were given out including Departmental, Principal, CTC, and scholarships. The night was packed full of students being recognized for all that they have done.
One of the highest awards given out was the Governor’s Merit Scholastic Award. This was given to the students who were the top 5% of the senior class. The following students received this award: Jeremy Carter, Christian Chestnut, Katie Constantine, Madelyn Cunningham, Jacki Dubro, Lars Eklund, Rozmia Fattah, Hannah Lemen, Joseph Kolick, Thomas Moyer, Carolyn Payne, Sofia Schuller, Jordan Specht, Rosalia Tilmont, Alexander Tran, Joshua Watson, Anneliese Young, and Richard Zhang.
The following students were recognized for departmental awards:
Agriculture: Emily Lindsey
Business: Jacob Zudal
Project Lead the Way: Sarah Hall
Woodworking: Jarod Golombieski
English: Thomas Moyer and Kelsey Ward
Family and Consumer Science: Kaitlyn Naill
Mathematics: Josh Watson and Anna Young
Dance: Kelsey Ward
Drama: Christian Howard
Instrumental Music: Alexandria Hudson
Vocal Music: Alyssa Chiarelli
Physical Education: Nick Albano and Olivia Weinel
Biology: Anna Young
Chemistry: Thomas Moyer
Environmental Science: Rosalia Tilmont
Physics: Josh Watson
Social Studies: Sofia Schuller and Hayley Cook
Special Achievement: Christian Howard and Abby Frey
Mentor/Internship: Dawson Hewatt
Work Study: Anthony Deal
Apprenticeship Certification: Dalyn Palmer, Ty Pucino, and Jenna Thompson
Visual Arts: Rachel Moravansky and Shannon McGoey
French: Sofia Schuller
Spanish: Hannah Lemen
German: Shannon McGoey
World Languages: Hannah Lemen and Sofia Schuller
Ms. Nancy Doll presented the Principal’s Leadership Award to four students who she believed have contributed to the community through public service and effort. The recipients were Devin Barge, Christian Howard, Thomas Moyer, and Josh Watson.
The Career and Technology Center recognized seniors who had completed programs at CTC. These graduates would be leaving high school with an outstanding skill already. The students were as followed:
Metals/Welding: Mark Chaney
Academy of Health Professions: Kaitlyn DeGrange and Lindsey Thomas
Advanced Web Design & Animation: Nathaniel Lang
Digital Design and Printing Methods: Delaney Krotz
Cisco/Security Plus: Daniel Roberson and Patrick Stalnaker
Auto body/Collision Repair & Refinishing: Ryan Appleby
Automotive Technology: Jonathan Connelly
Autobody/Collision Repair: Tyler Loveless, William Lowe, and Bradley Wentz
Criminal Justice: Trey Perry, Rebecca Temple, and Brandon Champagne
Culinary Arts: Erica Houck
Plumbing/ HVAC: James Wolfe and Tyler Ludwig
Carpentry: Adem Ferah and Brad Garlowich
Cosmetology: Madison Stone
Students were also recognized for special awards and scholarships that they had applied for throughout the school year.
Diana Scarmazzi Football scholarship Fund: Zach Willett
American Legion Gold Star Post 191: Lynn Edminston and Andrew Nash
Kemptown Elementary school PTA Scholarship: Kelsey Ward
Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce: Jack Dubro
LHS Athletic Boosters: Cailyn Bartholow and Thomas Moyer
Damascus American Legion Post 171: Cailyn Bartholow, Thomas Moyer, and Clayton Yingling
Fordham Lee Memorial Fund Scholarship: Jordan Specht
Delta Sigma Beta: Clayton Yingling
Frederick Community College Scholarship: Madison France, Rebecca Temple, and Lucar Arrington
ROTC Scholarship: Paul Hinch
The Community Foundation: Cailyn Bartholow, Jordan Cencula, Mark Chaney, Madison France, Emily Hartmark, Brenna Lindsay, Jonathan Massey, Shannon McGoey, Andrew Nash, Carolyn Payne, Katherine Querry, Madison Riley, Jordan Specht, and Lily Tate
Libertytown/Unionville Lions Club: Tommy Moyer and Jordan Specht
LOUYAA Scholarship: Cailyn Bartholow
Comcast Leaders and Achievers: Sophia Posada
Marine Corps Award: Joseph Kolick, Lars Eklund, and Richard Zhang
Mount Pleasant Ruritan: Clayton Yingling
New Market Lions Club: Jonathan Massey
Student Peace Awards: Devin Barge
Science National Honor Society: Cailyn Barthlow and Tommy Moyer
National Art Honor Society: Shannon McGoey and Rachel Moravanksy
Sons of the American Revolution: Jack DuBro
Mr. Jeremy Brown also recognized all of the students who were in any honor society.
Linganore has many students that are going to a military academy, including Patrick Conboy, Abigail Grabill, Kyle Guinn, Zachary Lindung, India Pack, Casey Parsons, David Soper, Cody Souder, Benjamin Trogolo, and Ryan Winkler.
Congrats Class of 2018!