Class of 2017: NJROTC in formation for 21 days

courtesy of Samantha Buckman

(Left to right) Class of 2017 members Elizabeth McWilliams, Nicholas Campos, Brendan McCormick, Samantha Buckman, Brady Lowe, Sara Temple, Desmond Crooks and Jordan Hollar celebrate 21 days left of high school.

The 2016-2017 school year was the first that the Linganore NJROTC program was moved to TJ High School. The Class of 2017 members enrolled at LHS celebrate their final 21 days in the program.

Samantha Buckman will be traveling to the University of Maryland to study international business. She said her favorite part of the program was “going on a lot of unique field trips.”

Nicholas Campos and Elizabeth McWilliams plan to attend Towson University this fall. McWilliams will study health science and minor in sociology and Campos will focus on the Army ROTC program. Both have been in NJROTC all four years, and McWilliams was an officer for two years.

Desmond Crooks will serve a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints pending location. Cooks said the members of NJROTC “have all grown so close to each other. We’re like siblings and can count on one another.”

Fred Hall will be going to a trade school and will miss taking trips to new places as a part of NJROTC. His advice for underclassmen is: “Enjoy high school while you can and make the most of your time here.”

Jordan Hollar has yet to determine her future plans but has been in contact with an Army recruiter.

Brendan McCormick plans to study park management. He’d like to be a part of club baseball, lacrosse, kayaking, rock climbing, and SGA. He said, “The thing I will miss most is the atmosphere at Linganore. Everyone cares and everyone is willing to help.”

Brady Lowe has taken his NJROTC knowledge and been sworn in to the United States Marine Corps for the fall.

Sara Temple will study two years at Frederick Community College then move on the study biology at the University of Maryland. She was an administration officer in the NJROTC and a member of the LHS marching band.