Students receive awards for their achievement during the school year: Photo of the Day 6/1/16

Colleen Avila receives the platinum award for maintaining a 4.0 GPA through out all of high school.
June 1, 2016
Every year, students gather in the gymnasium to receive awards for their achievement through out the school year. Parents were invited to join in the ceremony to take pictures and celebrate the achievements that the students have made through out the school year.
A student can receive an award for academic achievement, attendance, and departmental awards. Departmental awards are given to one girl and one boy in each grade. Each department gives an award to the student they believe were exemplary in that field. You could receive an award from English, Math, Social Studies, Physical Education, Science, Meritorious Service, World Languages, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, and Career and Technology.
Shelby Iager, Junior, said, “The awards ceremony is cool to see all of the achievements that everyone has done through out the year.”
Other awards include perfect attendance and exemplary attendance. If a student doesn’t miss any school he or she will receive the perfect attendance award. If the student misses two or less days of school he or she will the exemplary attendance award.
Through out the ceremony the honor societies were also recognized. As the department award were given out the honor society members were asked to stand, so that parents and other students could applaud them for their work.
Lincoln Robisch and Garret Wiehler were also recognized for their achievement in Destination Imagination. The two went to globals and won first place and also were awarded the da vinci award.
Congrats to all of the students that received an award. Keep up the good work!