Twins: What is it like living with your other half?
Haley and Devin Barge sport their Chick-fil-a gear even in their early years.
February 24, 2016
Since 2014, according to a CNN report, the birth rate of twins has been increasing, with doubles at a record high in 2014.
Having a twin for some people can be like having a best friend, someone who shares the same interests, friends, and family. You’d always have someone to talk to when no one is around.
For others however, having a twin can be a curse and a burden. It’s constant competition to see who is better. Think sibling rivalry x 10.
Most people only know of two types of twins, fraternal, and identical. Surprisingly, there are 7 different types of twins. The other five types are mirror image, half-identical, mixed chromosome, superfetation, and superfecundation.
Most of the twins at Linganore are either fraternal or identical twins. Altogether LHS has 22 sets of twins.

Megan and Morgan Brown
Seniors, Megan and Morgan Brown, both describe their relationship as “special.” Morgan said, “I like having a twin because we grow up together and get to experience everything together.”
Megan said, “I like having a twin to share clothes with.”
The sophomore Clabaugh twins, Noah and Jordan, fight like most brothers and sisters.

Noah and Jordan Clabaugh
Noah said, “I would rather have a male twin because Jordan has too many issues because she’s a girl, no offense.”
Jordan said, “I would change the gender of my twin because I need a sister, and boys are annoying.”
Noah thinks Jordan is the favorite because “she gets better grades than me.”
Morgan thinks Megan is the favorite. “She’s the angel child in their eyes, but secretly she is the devil child,” Morgan said.
Mrs. Susan Peterson, parent of seniors Brian and Jonathon, said, “The most difficult stage of parenting twins was when they were newborns. I had to feed two babies, nurse two babies, and change both of their diapers. I barely slept when I was taking care of them.

Jonathan and Brian Peterson
“I like to look at the boys as individuals and not so much as twins. They are fraternal twins and have completely different personalities. Brian is more interested in sports, like cross country, and he is more outgoing. Jonathan is more quiet and is into to computers and things in the technological field.”
Every year, the first week of August, twins gather from around the country at Twinsburg, Ohio to celebrate multiple births. This year’s theme is “Twinfinity and Beyond.”