Distinguished Graduates 2015 receive awards: Photo of the Day 11/24/2015

by Katie Lehman, Reporter

On November 24,  the Distinguished Graduate ceremony was held to honor previous graduates from Linganore on their accomplishments in life. This ceremony provides students with a chance to learn how to be successful when their high school career is done, and how they can grow after that. This year’s distinguished graduates are Tamara Krauch Mills, Daniel Getsinger, Harry “Wayne” Wachsmuth, Kevin Law, and Liz Maestri. These distinguished graduates each gave a short speech to the Class of 2019 assembled in the auditorium.

“Whether or not your successful isn’t determined by yourself but by the people around you,” Academic recipient Tamara Mills said.  She continued, “She [a co-worker] taught me not to measure my success by what I’ve achieved or by telling you about what I’ve done, but measure how I interact with those around me.”

Dan Getsinger, recipeint of the Sciences award,  said, “It takes strength of character to achieve those stats. . .willpower, optimism.”

Business recipient Kevin Law, who created an online foreign language program,  spoke about how students who want to be successful need to take time to learn things outside of school, and that with the internet it’s very easy.

“If you ever have something you are curious about, don’t wait for someone to teach it to you. Learn it yourself.” he said.

Mrs. Natalie Rebetsky, co-coordinator and member of the committee, remembers Kevin Law in high school.  “He designed our very first computer scoring program for Mr. Linganore. Every year, we’ve built on the program that he invented.  I’m not surprised that he has gone on to use his computer skills to help others.”

“Your attitude determines your altitude,” says state police officer Harry Wachsmuth, Public Service Honoree. He explained that how students look at things plays a big role in where they get in life. If students have a positive outlook on a situation, then they can make the most out of it, even if it’s not what they were expecting or had been hoping for.

Wachsmuth told a moving story about the challenges he had in high school and as a parent.  He described how the efforts of one teacher and coach, Dave Carruthers, made a difference in his life.

Lis Maestri, Arts recipient, was the last to speak, and she said “Don’t waste your time here.” She described how students need to use all the time they have in high school to learn and get ready for their adult life ahead of them.

In between speeches and recieving awards, the school’s and the brass ensemble performed. The choir sang the Linganore High School Alma Mater and a combination of “Mother Mary” and “Joy Joy Joy.”

This year’s ceremony also went a bit off the script and the end, when everyone in the auditorium sang happy birthday to Rebetsky, who helps by overseeing the event.

During the events, nine Class of 2019 students introduced the recipients and the choir.  They are Brianna Archibald, Dominic Barbagallo, Riley Bruce, Sarah Brady, Anne Cameron, Matt Gelhard, Jacob Smith, Anne Watsic and Emily Wolfe

The Distinguished Graduate Committee, comprised of alumni, the principal and teachers,  welcomes nominations for future recipients. Please email Coordinator Jeremy Brown at jeremy.brown@fcps.org.

Katie Lehman
Mr. Kehne presents the Distinguished Graduates.