Lancer Spotlight: LHS Students Visit The Frederick County Courthouse for Law Day

Ellowyn Ojeda

The entrance to the Frederick County Courthouse (photography is not allowed inside the building).

by Ellowyn Ojeda, Reporter

On May 1, Jamie Hendi, a social studies teacher at Linganore High School (LHS), took her Law and Society class to the Frederick County Courthouse for Law Day. 

Law Day is a day meant to recognize the essential role of law in the establishment of the country and to acknowledge its significance in modern society. May 1 marks the official recognition of Law Day in the United States.

The students arrived at the Circuit Court at 8:30 a.m., where they were able to sit in on a few court cases. Students had the opportunity to experience first-hand what takes place in a court system.

“It was just more real-life experience stuff, like how we saw somebody defending themselves, which you only hear about in movies,” senior Kayla Mathers said.

The class was able to talk to multiple judges, including Judge Theresa Adams. Adams spoke with the class and answered questions based on her experiences.

“Judge Adams was very personable. She didn’t have a [judicial] robe on. She invited students to go behind the bench and see what it looked like back there,” Hendi said.

By providing students with an opportunity to observe real trials and experience the atmosphere of a courtroom, Law Day offered them a glimpse into what it is like to be present in an actual legal proceeding.

“So, I just think it [Law Day] was a really good hands-on overview of the justice system where they could see it actually at work and then watch actual proceedings,” Hendi said.

One case that captured the students’ attention involved a man who was pressing harassment charges against his neighbor, but what made it particularly interesting was the fact that he was representing himself.

Observing these cases in court aided several students in making a career decision towards the legal field, especially for those who had not previously determined their future path.

“I’m not super confident speaking up in front of a lot of people, and so to be able to witness it before doing it would definitely [help] me [to] have more confidence in the future for when I will have to do that in my career as a criminal psychologist,” Mathers said.

After visiting a few courtrooms, the class left the courthouse at 11:30 a.m. and returned to Linganore High School.

Law Day takes place annually at LHS in the Law and Society Class and will fall next year on Wednesday, May 1.