Teens find a friends and spiritual life at Damascus Road Community Church

Posted by @DRCC_Youth on Instagram

Students in DRCC pose together for a picture after a meeting.

by Lindsay Shade, Reporter

Going to church and attending youth groups has become a more popular activity with teenagers. In these times, youth groups are an opportunity that would bring kids hope within themselves and others. Usually, around 120 teens go to the Damascus Road Community Church (DRCC) youth groups, for both high school and middle school.

DRCC doesn’t just have youth groups. They also have a Sunday service.

Usually, during the Sunday service. The service includes a Christian rock band playing a couple songs, followed by a prayer.  They have a video that introduces what they will be talking about and also try to have a message from the Bible that relates to people today. Towards the end, they close with a song and also a prayer. 

The youth group ministry team consists of Roger Record, the youth pastor, Bryan Gerner, the assistant director of youth ministry, Janet Ingram and Michele Rennolds as the administrative assistants of youth ministry and Bryce Greene as the youth assistant. 

Roger Record said, “I am a different kind of pastor, but I love it. I wouldn’t love to be a traditional pastor. In fact, I would hate it. So what I get to do by being a pastor is travel the world, help many people and work with really cool people. I also get to play really cool music and try my best to create a loving community because I think that is what church really is. It is really hard nowadays because of what many people presume church to be.”

Recently, I have started attending the youth groups at DRCC. Going to youth groups gives me an opportunity to meet new people and connect with others and Christianity. Personally, I am really enjoying it. I think it could benefit a lot of kids, too. Since I started attending, this church has affected me positively in many ways.

Whenever I attend, I have the opportunity for one on one conversations with the leaders. I can ask questions and feel listened to.

DRCC has a youth group for middle school and also high school. They also have opportunities for seniors in high school to become interns and group leaders.

Current intern at DRCC Gabby Shifflett said, “I like being an intern because it gives me an opportunity to come out of my shell and use my creative side.” 

The people there are really great and easy people to talk and get along with. The high school youth group meets on Wednesday nights at 7 pm. I hope to see you there!