Morning announcement: April 29, 2022

by Staff

Friday April 29, 2022 

**Are you ready? The LHS Junior/Senior Prom will be held on May 7th at  the Clarion Inn. A reminder that this Friday, April 29th is the LAST day to  purchase prom tickets during your lunch shift. Tickets are $35.00 each and may  be purchased with cash and/or check. Guests must have advanced approval from  School Administration. Please see Mrs. Davies or Ms. Cassidy with any questions. 

**Arbor Day is an annual observance that celebrates the role of trees in our lives & promotes tree planting & care. As a formal holiday, it was first observed in 1872, in  Nebraska. The idea for Arbor Day in the United States originated in Nebraska City,  Nebraska. Among the pioneers moving into the Nebraska Territory in 1854 was Julius  Sterling Morton from Detroit. Morton wrote & spoke about environmental stewardship & the interrelatedness of life. He encouraged everyone to set aside a specific day to plant  trees. 

In 1872, the State Board of Agriculture accepted a resolution by J. Sterling Morton “to  set aside one day to plant trees, both forest and fruit.” The Board declared April 10 Arbor  Day and offered prizes to the counties & individuals that properly planted the largest  number of trees on that day. More than one million trees were planted in Nebraska on the  first Arbor Day. With this first tree planting holiday observance, J. Sterling Morton  became known as the “Founder of Arbor Day.” Shortly after this 1872 observance, other  states passed legislation to observe Arbor Day each year with appropriate ceremonies.  By 1920, more than 45 states & territorial possessions were celebrating Arbor Day. Arbor Day reflects a hope for the future. The trees planted on Arbor Day show a concern  for future generations. The simple act of planting a tree represents a belief that the tree  will grow and, some day, provide wood products, wildlife habitat, erosion control, shelter  from the wind and sun, beauty, and inspiration for ourselves and our children. 

**Attention all drama students! Now is the time to apply for induction to the  International Thespian honor Society group. If you have been in two full-length  productions and acquired at least 10 points in participation, you are eligible to  apply. You must also have a 3.0 unweighted GPA. If interested, please see Mrs.  Smithhisler to apply. Inductions will occur at the May 16th Drama banquet.

**Attention AP Exam Students–Just a friendly reminder that AP exams will be  administered the week of May 2nd-6th & the week of May 9th-13th. Please make sure you  arrive & are in the testing room at 7:30AM for the 8AM exam; for a 12PM exam, arrive & be in the testing room at 11:30AM. 

Any student who wants to eat lunch on the day of their exam can do so. Students who  have an exam scheduled at noon, will be able to eat lunch during first lunch shift. Students who have an exam scheduled at 8:00 a.m., will be able to eat lunch during the  second lunch shift. All locations for AP testing are posted in the cafeteria as well as next to the attendance office window. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs.  Raeda Zietoon. 

**Today is Senior Recognition for the Girls & Boys Varsity Tennis Teams as they  compete against Tuscarora today at home. Congratulations to the senior girls:  Madison Baker, Marissa DePalma, Olivia Fullarton, Danielle Koogle, Kelly Safsten  & Alexa Wetrogan. Congratulations to the senior boys: Danny Hester, Will  Jordan, and Tommy Fullarton.