Lancer Spotlight 9/9/22: Linganore Cheer strives for successful season

Mia Lucas

Varsity Cheer at Linganore’s first home football game.

by Emily Rice, Editor

Linganore High School (LHS) Varsity Cheerleaders start off their season preparing to make it to state championships after winning three times in the past five years. They will be cheering at our first home game tonight, September 9, at 6:30 p.m.

With the previous seniors graduating, the varsity team changes every year as they gain new underclassmen and rising juniors. Throughout the season, the team develops a great bond and considers one another family. 

“It’s always tough losing seniors because they are an integral part of our program for four years, but we are blessed with a lot of talent from year to year, so the talent is always there; we just have to find the new team dynamic every season,” said varsity coach Amada Rumburg. 

After winning the state championships last year and multiple times in previous years, varsity cheerleaders are working incredibly hard to hopefully win once again. Each time the team wins states, expectations for the team and coaches rise. 

“We have won states three times now, and each time we do, we raise our expectations of not only what we expect of our team for the coming season but also of us as coaches. We have to make sure we are staying on top of our game with more innovative choreography for our routines, our music, our look, etc,” said Rumburg. 

Besides cheering on the sidelines at the varsity football games, LHS Cheer also competes multiple times throughout the school year with practices during the week. 

“Practices are fun, but serious as we have so much to do with our competition routine,” said Class of 2023 member Hannah Morin. 

Practices are four times a week with a game on Fridays. The team dedicates one day a week to sideline stunts, but they focus more on their competition routine because “it is a lot harder than sideline, and we have to make sure they are conditioned enough to be able to hit every element of their routine,” said Rumburg. However, practicing throughout the school year is not the only thing varsity cheer does to prepare. Cheerleaders participate in True AP to further train over the summer. 

“It’s very rigorous and tough training, but that is why they’re as good as they are,” said LHS staff member and cheer parent Stephanie Bindel, who has had all of her daughters involved in LHS Cheer teams. 

The captains this year include seniors Hannah Morin, Amanda Cheesebourough, Delaney Merrit, Marissa Hutt and Mikayla Tranchitella. 

With the first varsity football home game coming up, the cheer team has prepared sideline stunts which they perform after a touchdown or during a timeout. These stunts contain “various body positions at the extended level and different basket tricks,” said Morin. 

“We are so lucky to compete against amazing teams in our district that challenge us to be the best we can!” said Morin. 

For the game tonight, tickets are 2 dollars for students and 6 dollars for adults.