Lancer Spotlight 12/6/21: Music department celebrates sounds of the holidays

The Percussion Ensemble performs on the handbells.
December 7, 2021
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”
This song and more were included in the annual winter concert on December 3.
The first half of the event featured the Woodwind Ensemble, Merry Tuba Christmas, the String Ensemble, the Brass Ensemble and the Percussion Ensemble.
Sophomore and percussionist Mia Lucas said, “The winter concert is one of my favorite times of the year because we get to play handbells. I especially liked this year because we got to play Christmas Eve/Sarajevo/12/24.”
Christmas Eve/Sarajevo/12/24 received a standing ovation.
In the second half concert band performed “Sounds Of Christmas,” “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day,” “Sleigh Ride,” “A Christmas Festival” and “White Christmas.” Members of the chorus sang “White Christmas” with the band.
The instruments were decorated in festive tinsel and miniature ornaments.

Half way through “White Christmas” snow began falling from the catwalks.
The band’s next performance will take place in Walt Disney World in April, followed by the spring concert in May.
Follow along with the band at