Pom and Dance takes home gold at Gwynn Park competition: Photo of the Day 3/7/19
Pom team performs their Total Package dance.
March 7, 2019
On March 2, the Pom and Dance Team traveled to Gwynn Park High School to take part in their last competition before States. The Pom and Dance team specializes in raising strong, and competitive dancers who surround their crowd with positive and upbeat routines.
This team blew away the crowd with their intense routines and placed first in their Pom, Jazz, and Lyrical dances and third place in their Total Package dance. Previously, they had competed in two other contests and taken home a few trophies, but this past weekend was their best performance.
Senior and head captain Cici Emerson said, “We were able to pull together these routines and win first place in ¾ dances this past weekend. I am so proud of how much effort we all put into these dances and that hard work definitely paid off through our recent successes.”
The Pom team is run by Mrs. Richardson, a history teacher and head of the Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society. She selects three seniors each year, a head-captain and two co-captains who will choreograph selective dances for the competition season as well as football season.
“I think that if we keep up the hard work and continue to clean our dances in order to make them perfect, we could take home another win at States,” said Class of 2019 co-captain, Cailey Weber.
Come out to support the Poms team at their State competition on March 16, at the University of Maryland.