Drama, GSA, FFA: Club fair offers something for everybody: Photo of the Day 9/18/19

Courtesy of Natalie Rebetsky

Peyron Johnson, Taylor Carbough, and Caroline Pellicier pose for a picture in front of their FFA stand.

by Ruby Cerny, Reporter

During lunch on September 13, students had the opportunity to leave the cafeteria and enter Main Street to learn about clubs.  Students used a QR code or went to linganoreSGA.com to sign up for their club by September 17.

Future Farmers of America (FFA) was one of the 31 clubs available, and it is open to all.  It is a club where students can get involved in agriculture. They are given opportunities to meet animals and care for the animals themselves. More important, FFA gives students a taste of competition and leadership experiences.  It’s not all about farming.

“We have a lot of kids showing animals,” says Caroline Pellicier, a member of FFA. Pellicier gave up her third period to help with recruiting new members. “We have our community shows where they show animals, art and all bunch of things!” 

Another club students can join is the drama club. In this club, students have the chance to interact and play acting games with other students, all the while learning about theater. The club is even going to New York this year!

Club Secretary Olivia Pietanza said, “We play games, goof off, and go on trips. We do festivals and fundraisers!”

Clubs often meet on Friday during PREP. The clubs are divided into three groups: A,  B, and C.

Group A clubs include the Anime Club, Asian Culture Club, Bike Club, Dance Club, FFA, Girls Who Code, GSA, Harry Potter Alliance, Robotics Team 686, Science Honor Society.

Group B clubs include AA Culture Club, Book Club Checkers Club, Class Councils Club, Creative Writing Club, FCA, Futsal Club, Int’l Cuisine Club, Model U.N, Ski/Snowboard Club, and the Travel Explorers Club.

Group C clubs include the Art Honor Society,Culture Cafe, Drama Club, Interact Club, Key Club, Leo Club, L.C Adv Board, Millionaires Club, Mock Trial club, and N.B.H.S.

The first club meeting will take place on September 27. Though Club sign-up has ended, you may contact the club advisers to see if you still have the opportunity to join their groups.