Teachers go head to head reading as many books as they can to fill their virtual bookshelves: Photo of the day 3/17/19

Ashley Baker

Larry Liu sets up the virtual bookshelf for Mrs.Lane and the Little Lancers.

Teachers are reading and filling up their virtual bookshelves. NEHS member Larry Liu took on the leadership responsiblity to create virtual bookshelves for teachers so that they can spread the love of reading.   A virtual bookshelf would be a great idea to see how many books can be read by the end of Term 4.

Kate Lane, Child Development teacher, is challenging the Little Lancers to read.  Her shelf is already very full.  Other teachers who are challenging themselves include MaryEllen Newcomb, Jami Hendi, Mary Troxel, Susan Peterson, Natalie Rebetsky, and Joanne Freimuth.  Rebetsky’s virtual shelf even as a small fish bowl for decoration (created by Newcomb). 

Liu created virtual bookshelves for the teachers who wanted to participate in the competition. The bookshelves are made out of tape and have 3-5 shelves each. When the teachers are finished reading a book they write the name of the book and the author’s name on a slip of paper resembling the spine of a book and tape the slip in between the shelves.

“I think it’s a great idea, it encourages people to read. It’s also a great motivator that drives people to read more book.” said by Liu

All of teachers have already read many books. So far in the competition Newcommb  is in the lead with 20 books.