Students get festive for Halloween: Photo of the Day 10/31/18
Jacob Smith and John Grimes show off their burger king uniforms!
November 1, 2018
Whether people go to a party or go trick or treating, Halloween has something to offer for everyone. Junior Laria Seyfried who is dressed up as Dwight, a popular character from the hit series “The Office,” said, “This is my favorite costume to date. It’s comfortable and less attention seeking than previous years.”
Everyone has a favorite part of Halloween whether it’s the candy, the parties, the movies, the trick or treating, the seasonal foods.
Seyfried said, “I love seeing what everyone dresses up as. The creativity is so cool.”
Trick or Treating numbers are dwindling among high schoolers as they get older. Fewer are still Trick or Treating, leaving the past good memories behind with their childhoods. A lot of students are busy with after-school activities. Older teens are handing out candy, attending parties, doing schoolwork or working.
“I will not be trick or treating. I have homework, and I can just buy the type of candy I want at Walmart for cheap this time of year,” said Seyfried.