Little Lancers trick or treat in classrooms: Photo of the Day 10/31/18

Elizabeth Anderson

Taylor Eason, Brielynn (Wonder Woman), and other students go to the guidance office for trick or treating

by Elizabeth Anderson, Watermark Editor

On October 31, the Child Development class took the Little Lancers trick or treating around the school, where they received a variety of treats and toys.

Trick or treating through the Linganore halls is an annual Halloween tradition for the class, and one of the most enjoyable activities during the year for them.

“You get to walk around with the kids and spend time with them,” said Megan Plazinski, a “teacher” in the Child Development class. “Plus, they always look so cute in their costumes.”

Teachers volunteer prior to the event to host a trick or treating location in their classroom, and the Little Lancers travel through the halls, collecting their goodies from both teachers and students. It’s a great chance for them to show off their costumes and get out and about in the school, meeting new people in a safe and fun environment.

Mia Cason (Stitch) and Kat (Anna from Frozen) pose for a Halloween picture.

Each of the Little Lancers also receives a bag of candy, usually made by one or more SSLs (Student Service Learners; typically assist staff members). This year, Class of 2020 student Christina Sherwood made the bags.

“I felt like I was doing a good deed knowing the Little Lancers would enjoy [the bags],” said Sherwood. “When I was a kid, I loved getting bags of candy while I was trick or treating. It was like getting a present that I got to open.

It may also help them prepare for trick or treating in the evening with their families and friends!