Horticulture transplants flowers for spring: Photo of the Day 2/15/18
Stacie McClellan, Breanna Spielman, and Renia Morfoot transplant flowers.
February 15, 2018
With poinsettia sales long over and spring around the corner, horticulture students and planting and transplanting for the spring. Stacie McClellan, Breanna Spielman, and Renia Morfoot transplanted Dark Blue Lobelias into large pots for better growth. The plants are going to be grown in the school greenhouse and sold at the plant sale in the spring, in order to benefit the agriculture department and support Linganore FFA.
“We are planting these flowers to sell them as overhanging plants for the spring sale,” said Morfoot. The overhanging potted plants are among the most popular and a bestseller every year at the annual plant sale.
When the plants are ready for sale, both large greenhouses will be bursting with herbs, flowers and vegetable plants.
Linganore Agriculture students love the process of growing plants for the sale. There is a lot to know about agriculture, and taking part in growing plants is a great way to learn.
“I’m having a blast. I want to learn more about agriculture,” Spielman said.